Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 8 - Round 5

Allan & Cameron walking together into the playing hall.

Cameron's 5th Round Opponent - Tommy He from Dallas
Now the whole Wheeler Family is in Brazil.  Cameron will never admit it but he loves having Lucas around.  They have a unique friendship that only brothers can have.  It's good when it's good and it's bad when it's bad.  So far, it's been pretty good.

Little Bro' Lucas rooting for Big Brother
Today's opponent is Tommy O He from Dallas.  Cameron played him last year at Greece World Youth and also has played him at Nationals.  His record against him had been 3 draws and 1 loss, so he had a losing record against him.  This was going to be a tough round.  Cameron won this round in around three and half hours.  Cameron was prepared for a French Advance, but Tommy played the French Tarrasch variation, so Cameron was out of book on move three.  Cameron made mistake on move 8, he castled premature and Tommy could have prepared an attack, but he played too passively and Cameron gained a space advantage which he eventually converted into a material advantage.

We walked through the town of Caldas Novas after dropping off Cameron at the playing hall.  Lucas got his traditional necklace and a ball to play with.  Rob & Lucas spent two hours at the pool, while I worked on my homework for the first time since arriving.

Same routine after the game, analyze game, eat dinner, get ready for bed. and go to sleep.

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